Introducing QSEQ – the future of flexible and affordable Audio-Visual systems

Amazon for AV? The world has changed. No longer is brick and mortar the default ‘go to’ place. AV integration has changed too, and here it is the equivalent for qualified integrators: QSEQ, the QuickSilver™ EQualizer service that introduces the QuickSilver™ Audio-Visual system in an easy and cost-effective way to do systems Integration around the world for qualified QuickSilver™ Equalizer integrators. Think “Amazon of AV”. 100% non-proprietary equipment. Plug and go. You could even try it at

The basic description of what QuickSilver™ comprises can be found here.

For smaller and medium sized systems that are not overly complex, let’s talk Equalizer. Affordable, flexible and fast. You select the AV system you need from the Equalizer configuration list or software (and we’re glad to help!), send us drawings of the venue layout, and a narrative that describes the required functionality for each exhibit. We go through the list, and put together a system that meets your needs. We then set up, configure, load temporary (or real) media, and program the system. Once it’s all up and running in our lab, we’ll box the system and send it out. You buy and install the monitors, projectors, speakers and anything else that needs to be done, and once all that is in, you plug in the QuickSilver™ components, which come with complete instructions, with each of the exhibits packed separately so that it’s easy to install. The system is connected to the internet through a firewall we supply, and we check it out remotely. At that point, we send one of our experts out to help with final commissioning, checks, assistance with our remote programmer as needed, and training  We will be a discrete part of your team and assist with the design and commissioning of the intelligent layer that provides the media delivery, control, and power management. 

The system, including power management and user interfaces, is supplied pre-configured and pre-labeled to meet your system’s needs, and connected using WiFi, all you need to do is to plug it in. No need to pull cables other than to connect the WiFi system. 

Anything that needs to happen – we’re here to help. Any equipment issues: QuickSilver™’s assisted self-healing feature will get it back up and running. Fast!

Let us help you win those projects – better, cheaper, faster. Give us a call, and let’s start talking about the options.

Of course one size doesn’t fit all – and Mad Systems is a full service Audio Visual systems integration company that does projects that go well beyond QuickSilver™s scope of work including complex interactive exhibits, and of course our patent pending Facial, Color and License plate recognition based media delivery systems, because One Size Doesn’t Fit All!

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Please note that only pre-qualified QuickSilver™ Equalizer candidates will be able to use this website. For all other QuickSilver™ enquiries please contact Mad Systems on 714 259 9000, or find more details on .